"Sandarmokh occupies one of the main places in the memory of Soviet terror and the imperial policy of Stalinism," says Irina Flige, author of the book *"Sandarmokh. Dramaturgy of Meanings"*, in an interview with PAP. The book is published on August 5, the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression in Sandarmokh. The book by Irina Flige, a member of the Memorial Association, is the first publication in Poland dedicated to the history of Sandarmokh—one of the largest cemeteries of Stalinist repression victims. The Sandarmokh forest near Medvezhyegorsk (Karelia) was a site of mass executions and burials during the Great Terror. 5,130 Karelians, prisoners, and trudposelets of Belbaltlag were killed here, along with 1,111 prisoners of the Solovetsky Special Purpose Prison. Among the victims were also those of the "Polish operation" and other national repressions.