About 600 pages, over 300 reproductions of the artists' works, more than 160 documentary photographs of their artistic life, texts by researchers, and much more – this is the book *"GRUPPA"*. The monograph is the first such work, providing a detailed description of the group’s activities. Gruppa was founded in 1982 in Warsaw by Ryszard Grzyb, Paweł Kowalewski, Jarosław Modzelewski, Włodzimierz Pawlak, Marek Sobczyk, and Ryszard Woźniak. In 1992, the group presented their work in a universal exhibition at the Zachęta Gallery. "The emergence of Gruppa is one of the most important events in Polish art just before its globalization in the 1990s. As an informal formation with no specific program, it never led to a public appearance. It remains an artistic and interpersonal space where the critical mass of talents, emotions, and meanings are revealed," writes Stach Szabłowski. The book is published by the German Jerke Art Foundation and Werner Jerke, the collector and founder of Museum Jerke in Recklinghausen.